Adult Education Classes

JLI Torah Studies: A weekly discussion that probe into the depths of contemporary Torah thought, with a special focus on issues surrounding spirituality, the human psyche, love, and relationships. Every experience offers meaningful and timely lessons – from the most timeless of texts. You will walk away surprised, inspired, and knowing more about who we are as Jews, and who you are as an individual.
Instructor: Rabbi Yehuda Ferris Weekly Class Topics and More Info
Wednesdays at 7:00 PM on ZOOM or in-person at Chabad House
Friday Tanya Class
Delve into one of the greatest Jewish books of modern times Tanya by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi.
The Tanya compacts four millenia of Jewish wisdom to answer the great personal and existential questions of life and revolutionized the way we think about G‑d, the human soul, the world and our place in it. Understand the complexities, doubts and drives within us are an expression of a single basic problem: the struggle between our G‑dly Soul and our Animal Soul. Also known as the Sefer shel Benonim, the work teaches how we can elevate our souls to ever higher levels of self-awareness and understanding.
Fridays, 10:00 am at the Ferris Home Now on ZOOM
Accredited JLI Flagsip Courses
Chabad Berkeley offers JLI's flagship program which operates in over 400 locations worldwide. Three accredited courses are taught per year on an array of topics including Jewish ethics, Jewish mysticism and philosophy, Jewish history and culture, and Jewish belief and practice. The courses are accredited for continuing legal and medical education and all courses offer CEU credits.
Click Here for the Upcoming Course
For more information on other Classes at Chabad as well as individual learning opportunities:
Call our office @ 510.540.5824 or email
You can also sponsor a lesson in memory of a loved one.